· solar energy · 5 min read

Devising Your Solar Offset Strategy

Stepping into the realm of solar energy with a well-crafted offset strategy allows you to gradually transition to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle.

Stepping into the realm of solar energy with a well-crafted offset strategy allows you to gradually transition to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle.

Investing in solar energy is more than an ecological decision; it’s a strategic move towards energy independence. A solar offset strategy is a planned approach to gradually reduce reliance on traditional energy sources by incorporating solar energy into your home. Think of it as playing a real-life game of Monopoly, where you become the owner of utility sources. By installing solar panels and obtaining the Permission to Operate (PTO), you transition from a mere utility consumer to an energy stakeholder. Essentially, you become a real-life utility owner, setting your energy consumption terms.

The primary reason we advocate starting with a solar offset strategy is the annual reset of the Federal Solar Tax Credit. There’s no incentivized reason to go all-in on solar at this point unless you have state-level incentives about to expire. This offset strategy allows you to gradually transition to solar, reducing your reliance on the grid and saving you money in the process.

Game of Power: A Monopoly Analogy

Owning utility sources, like in the game of Monopoly, offers a distinct advantage. In the game, owning a utility property shields you from hefty charges when landing on an opponent’s utility spot, while also guaranteeing a steady income when others land on yours. Similarly, investing in solar energy decreases your dependence on traditional energy suppliers, leading to substantial savings on utility bills. This is the equivalent of becoming a real-life utility owner, reaping tangible financial benefits.

The offset strategy allows you to start small, gradually increasing your solar capacity as you become more comfortable with the technology and its benefits. Just like in Monopoly, owning utilities is only part of the strategy. Let’s explore how you can minimize your reliance on the grid, just as you would in the game.

Minimizing Grid Reliance: Your Power-up Card

Solar power significantly reduces grid dependence. However, there will be times when you need to draw power from the grid, akin to “landing on an opponent’s utility spot” in Monopoly. As a solar “utility owner”, your financial burden lessens due to decreased utility costs. To further minimize grid reliance, consider a backup battery to store surplus solar energy for use during peak demand times or cloudy days. A backup battery is like having an extra power-up card in the game, optimizing energy use and cost, and decreasing the odds of landing on the other utility property.

The offset strategy allows you to balance your solar production and grid consumption, ensuring you always have power while also maximizing your savings.

Net Metering: Collecting Rent from the Grid

The Monopoly-to-real-world analogy extends to net metering. Net metering is a billing mechanism that credits solar energy system owners for the electricity they add to the grid. It’s like collecting rent in Monopoly. Just as Monopoly players pay you when they land on your property, net metering ensures you receive compensation for any excess energy your solar system produces. Essentially, you “receive rent” by returning surplus power to the grid, reducing your overall utility bill.

The solar offset strategy, which involves a gradual approach rather than a sudden change, becomes more relevant in situations where favorable net-metering or feed-in tariffs are not offered by your utility provider. The moment your utility provider embraces the reality of the situation might be the opportune time for you to increase your offset efforts.

Crafting Your Solar Offset Strategy

A solar offset strategy is a well-thought-out plan to gradually reduce your reliance on traditional energy sources, by incorporating solar energy solutions into your home setup. It’s about understanding your energy consumption patterns and finding ways to offset this usage with solar energy production. Here, we guide you through the essential tools and steps to create a personalized solar offset strategy:

  • Understanding Your Energy Usage: Before you dive into the solar world, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your current energy consumption. Analyze your utility bills to gauge your monthly and annual energy usage. This data serves as a benchmark, helping you to set realistic goals for your solar offset strategy.

  • Assessing Your Solar Potential: Once you have a grasp of your energy needs, the next step is to evaluate the solar potential of your roof. The Google Sunroof Project is a great tool to start with. It provides insights into the amount of sunlight your roof receives, the potential size of the solar system you could install, and gives broad estimates of the costs and savings involved.

  • Tailoring Your Energy Production Estimates: To further refine your strategy, utilize the PV Watts calculator. This tool allows you to input specific details about your home and energy usage, offering customized energy production estimates. It helps you visualize how different factors can influence your solar offset, giving you a comprehensive view of your strategy.

By integrating these tools and insights, you can craft a solar offset strategy that is perfectly tailored to your unique situation.


Stepping into the realm of solar energy with a well-crafted offset strategy allows you to gradually transition to a greener, more sustainable lifestyle. By understanding your energy usage and leveraging the right tools, you set the stage for a successful and informed journey towards solar energy independence. It’s not just a win for the environment, but a strategic move towards a financially savvy and energy-efficient future.

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