· solar energy · 5 min read

Quote the Blue Raven? Nevermore!

Blue Raven Solar not only jeopardizes the financial stability of homeowners but also tarnishes the reputation of the solar industry. Their practices serve as a cautionary tale, highlighting the urgent need for consumer awareness and industry regulation.

Blue Raven Solar not only jeopardizes the financial stability of homeowners but also tarnishes the reputation of the solar industry. Their practices serve as a cautionary tale, highlighting the urgent need for consumer awareness and industry regulation.

Is Blue Raven Solar legitimate? This is a question that many potential customers find themselves asking as they consider transitioning to renewable energy. While the company presents itself as a beacon of sustainability and financial savings, there’s a darker reality that needs to be exposed. This article aims to shed light on the unethical business practices of Blue Raven Solar and its parent company, SunPower.

The Illusion of Savings: Unveiling the Smoke and Mirrors

Blue Raven Solar entices customers with the alluring offer of “18 months free, $0 down, no hassle,” along with the promise of potential savings on utility bills. However, this is where the company’s transparency ends and manipulation begins. Contrary to their insinuations, Blue Raven Solar encourages customers to use their tax returns freely, making their bridge loan option appear far more flexible and appealing than it truly is.

The Bridge Loan Trap: A Financial Quicksand

We’ve delved into the complexities of solar loans in our previous article on navigating the pitfalls of solar loans, and bridge loans stand out as particularly treacherous. Blue Raven Solar fails to disclose that if the tax credit isn’t applied to the bridge loan within the stipulated time frame, the interest rate can soar dramatically. This sudden and unexpected surge in monthly payments can financially cripple homeowners, effectively obliterating any chance of a return on investment (ROI).

By employing these cunning tactics, Blue Raven Solar not only jeopardizes the financial stability of homeowners but also tarnishes the reputation of the solar industry. Their practices serve as a cautionary tale, highlighting the urgent need for consumer awareness and industry regulation.

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The Mirage of the “Net Price”: A Masterclass in Deception

Blue Raven Solar employs the term “net price” in a way that deliberately misleads customers into believing it encompasses all associated costs. What they don’t reveal is that this so-called “net price” is bloated with an exorbitant 40% in dealer fees. But the deception doesn’t end there.

The Deceptive Inclusion of Interest

These dealer fees are so strategically inflated that they mimic the amount one would expect to pay in interest over a 25-year loan period. This creates the illusion that the interest is already included in the “net price,” leading customers to think they’re getting a better deal than they actually are.

The Tax Credit Fallacy

Furthermore, Blue Raven Solar insinuates that customers can apply the 30% tax credit not just to the upfront cost but also to this inflated interest amount. Not only is this misleading, but it’s also not legally permissible. The tax credit is meant for the cost of the solar system itself, not the interest accrued over the life of the loan.

By employing these tactics, Blue Raven Solar traps customers in a financial snare, making it nearly impossible for them to realize any return on investment (ROI).

SunPower: The Complicit Partner in Crime?

Did SunPower acquire Blue Raven? The answer is yes, and their involvement in these unethical practices is glaringly evident. Here’s the catch: if you request a consultation with SunPower in a state where they don’t operate, you’ll be redirected to Blue Raven Solar. This makes it clear that SunPower is fully aware of Blue Raven’s deceptive tactics.

SunPower’s affiliate marketing program is so lucrative that it has garnered endorsements from even trusted platforms like Bob Vila and This Old House. These platforms often promote SunPower, and Blue Raven hoping to earn future commissions, without considering the real-world impact on consumers who fall victim to these unethical practices.

Why This Matters to Us

As a platform that also engages in affiliate marketing, we could easily look the other way and rake in substantial profits from a relationship with Blue Raven Solar and SunPower. In fact, our accountant estimates that publishing this article could cost us tens of thousands of dollars in lost affiliate commissions. But here’s the thing: We don’t care.

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This is our Ricky Gervais moment, a point where we choose to call out the industry’s BS, regardless of the financial implications. Our mission is to provide honest, transparent information to our readers, and we refuse to compromise that integrity.

By taking this stand, we aim to be a part of the solution, encouraging a more ethical and transparent solar industry for the benefit of consumers everywhere.


The solar industry has the potential to revolutionize how we consume energy, but companies like Blue Raven Solar and SunPower are casting a long, dark shadow over this bright future. Their unethical practices not only exploit consumers but also undermine the credibility of an entire industry. While we could have stayed silent and profited from affiliate marketing relationships with these companies, we chose to speak out. The cost of silence is too high, especially when it comes at the expense of consumer trust and financial well-being. We hope this article serves as a wake-up call for both consumers and the industry at large.

It’s time to demand better. Blue Raven may be the poster child of unetchial sales tactics in the solar industry, but they’re only one brick in the Wall Of Shame. Until all of these companies are washed out or cleaned up unfortunaely the growth in residential solar will continue to stall.

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